Find out how much you could save with our mobile phone deals. Get 25% off airtime with our employee discount scheme, 20% off with Multisave and more.
Add extra devices or sims to your bill and save 20% on the Airtime Plan
Get 20% off your Airtime Plan on O2 Refresh, with UNiDAYS. So you can save up some cash for your student nights and textbooks.
An extra perk of your job. Save up to 25% on your Airtime Plan, if your company's signed up.
Make your money go further and get peace of mind. All Like New Phones have passed our five point check and come with a 12 month warranty.
See our best offers on devices, SIMs, accessories and more
Choose your upfront cost, Device Plan length and data allowance
When you trade it in with O2 Recycle
Find offers and experiences, every day. With the free Priority app.
With our 4G and 5G coverage across the country. Plus thousands of O2 WiFi hotspots.