We’re a nation of sports fans here in the UK, and we’ll do anything to avoid missing big games. But these days, we’re no longer just watching them on the TV at home or down the pub. Instead, we’re increasingly turning to portable tech.
You’ve probably already streamed a big sporting event on your phone while on the bus. But if you’ve never used a tablet while your favourite team or athlete is working their magic, allow us to explain how it can make a difference…
Perhaps you want to keep one eye on the score while bathing the kids. Or you’re on the train home from a festival or lounging in the park at the same time as a major match. A tablet is just as portable as a smartphone, but boasts a bigger screen – and most tablets available from O2 come with data plans, too. So, wherever you’re watching, you’ll never miss a single tackle, serve or try.
The realities of the sporting calendar mean that sometimes, two major events will take place at the same time. (OK – perhaps it’s one major event, one game you feel weirdly compelled to watch even though it isn’t that important.) If you’ve got a tablet to hand, simply pull one match up on the TV and stream the other on your smaller screen. No tough decisions necessary.
Gone are the days when we’d watch the game and only watch the game. Now, we want to be checking stats, finding out facts about athletes and catching up on social media commentary at the same time. (This is especially true when we’re getting into a new sport or tournament and want to brush up on our knowledge.) With a tablet to hand, it’s easier than ever to toggle between sports content online while still keeping up with the action on TV. We call that the best of both worlds.
Discover everything you need to know about how the squad are shaping up
Find out everything you need to know about travelling with a tablet
Find out everything you need to know about mobile broadband and how to get connected
Published: 11 Sep 2023