The start of January means looking ahead to the year to come and reflecting on what you want to achieve. Experts agree that when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, you’re likely to have more success sticking to specific and measurable commitments over big, general aims. (For example – pledging to go to the gym twice a week, rather than saying vaguely that you’d like to get fitter.) The good news? Whatever your resolutions are for 2024, you can use your phone to stay on track.
There’s no need to spend loads on new gadgets or expensive subscriptions, either (unless you want to). Android and iPhone models alike come pre-loaded with plenty of free apps and functions that can help kickstart your new year goals. Our own Priority app can help, too. Here are five ways your phone can support different New Year’s resolutions…
Not a naturally “together” person? One of your goals for 2024 might be to get on top of life admin. The Reminders app on iOS and Google Tasks on Android are both designed to help with organisation, featuring to-do list functions that are easy to navigate and satisfying to tick off. You can also put alerts in your phone’s calendar app – and these don’t have to be boring. If your resolution is to invest more time in your friendships in 2024, why not set a weekly reminder to check in with your nearest and dearest?
Journalling can help reduce stress and anxiety, giving us a place to process our thoughts and feelings. Not only that, it can be fascinating to look back on diaries written by our younger selves (even if your main thought is: “Did I really have a crush on him?”). If you’ve always struggled to sit down with a notebook and pen, try jotting your reflections down in the Notes app (on iOS) or Google Keep (on Android). Start by aiming for once a week if daily journalling feels like too much of a commitment, and see how it begins to shape your mood. Heads up: the Notes app can also be locked with a passcode for an extra level of privacy.
OK, this is a standard New Year’s resolution, but some classics are classics for a reason. iPhone models come with the Fitness app, which tracks your daily steps taken and calories burned and allows you to set specific Move goals. (The app can be upgraded to the paid-for Fitness+, featuring workouts, guided meditations and more.) On Android, you’ve got Google Fit, created in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) to help you meet activity goals proven to positively impact health.
Many people are keen to invest more time and money in memorable experiences over material items. Research also shows that just 20 minutes at a gig can boost wellbeing by 21%. If you’re aiming to see more live music in 2024, make sure you have the Priority app and use your phone to check out our new Music Mapper tool. Simply search for your favourite artists, and Music Mapper will let you know if they have any Priority gigs coming up (as well as letting you view fun facts about them, including where they’re from in the UK). If you’re on Priority, you can get 48-hour early access to tickets and unlock exclusive rewards at select venues, from skipping the queue to free cloakroom use.
In a world of constant distractions, getting stuck into a great book can feel more challenging than ever. But whether you’re into romance novels, historical non-fiction or poetry, there’s no excuse not to read if your book is downloaded onto your phone. Android devices use the Google Play Books app, while iBooks comes as standard on iPhone models. Set yourself a target of how many books you want to get through in 2024. And start reading now – your brain will thank you.
Our handy guide will help you choose the perfect model
Published: 06 Jan 2024