Answering your phone isn't always possible and with O2 Call Alert we'll send you a text message everytime you miss a call.
If you've got no coverage, are on the phone or if your phone's switched off, we'll text you to let you know you've missed a call.
We'll send you the time and date of the missed call and the number that called you.
There are two types of call alert:
Missed call alert – you can have this instead of voicemail. We'll send you a text to say that you missed a call, if the caller couldn't get through.
Important note: Activating missed call alert will overwrite any current diverts, such as Voicemail 901.
Abandoned call alert – this is an optional free service that works with voicemail. You'll receive a missed call notification text if the caller couldn't get through and didn't leave a voicemail message.
Please note: Missed call alert and voicemail cannot be used at the same time. When you switch on one service, it will switch off the other.
Charges for using call alerts
The missed call alert and abandoned call alert services are completely free, even if you're abroad.
There are no registration fees, no monthly subscription fees and receiving a call alert is free.
Turning missed call alert on and off
To turn missed call alert on, dial 1710. To turn it off, dial 1760.
Turning abandoned call alert on and off
To turn abandoned call alert on/off, simply dial 901.
Then dial *, 4, 5
Please Note: For abandoned call alert to work, voicemail must be selected. To turn voicemail on, dial 1750.
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Last updated: 07/02/2025