Network Rail

Getting inspiration from the ground up

The Challenge

Network Rail wanted to transform the way it collects, stores and uses information about its infrastructure.

The Solution

Network Rail's ORBIS (Offering Rail Better Information Services) transformation programme, gives people access to up-to-date, usable information (including when they're trackside) via smartphones and tablets. Including maps, works schedules, technical drawings, standards, and inspection forms. Track-side workers were engaged by encouraging personal usage, and through a competition to request apps that make work easier.

"We have already succeeded in bringing about a massive amount of change, and change that people like." Patrick Bossert, Director, Asset Information, Network Rail.

The Results

  • Smartphones that people use as their own, including for downloading their own apps and music.
  • 150 employee-requested apps in development.
  • Ability to capture information digitally and process it centrally, to predict and prevent problems, rather than fixing them when they occur.

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O2 supporting Network Rail