
Available for everyone - join us or upgrade

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We’re here to help your business.

Under 10 employees

0800 028 0202

10+ employees, Enterprise and Public Sector

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If you’ve got a question or need advice simply get in touch.  Or check out our help section.

If you’re an O2 Business customer

Call us if you're eligible for renewal or want to use Fast Track upgrade:
0800 028 0202

Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm
Saturday and Sunday 9am to 5pm
Bank Holidays 10am to 4pm

New customer? You can buy online or visit an O2 store.

Just want a sim card?

Take a look at our sim-only deals

Do I need to sim swap?

Already with O2 Business? It’s easy to move your number to a new SIM by visiting

Prices exclude VAT