How to roam freely
in the EU

Make your European getaway even better this summer – roam on in the EU at no extra cost, up to 25GB

After months of waiting, summer holidays have finally entered the group chat. With that comes planning, preparation and probably a fair bit of perspiring as you stress about everything going to plan.

Even with military-level organisation, your summer hols can be unexpectedly stressful, whether that’s down to lost luggage, noisy hotel neighbours or pool hogs (as in people who hog the pool – not pigs bobbing around on inflatables drinking frozen margs).

While we can’t do anything about those unwelcome surprises, we can make one part of travelling more pleasingly predictable.

Unlike the other major networks, we don’t charge anyone extra for EU roaming up to 25GB. So when you’re travelling in our Europe Zone, your data, minutes and text allowances will work just like they do at home, all year round.

You won’t need a new SIM for EU and UK roaming – all you need to know is that your data is subject to a Roaming Limit in Europe. Is your UK monthly data allowance over 25GB? Then your Roaming Limit will be 25GB, meaning you can use up to 25GB of data at no extra cost. If your allowance is under 25GB, you can use data abroad in the EU without charge until you reach the end of your normal allowance.

Sound good? Here’s why having access to data at no extra charge can be so helpful on holiday. Roam on.

Get to grips with directions

Some people are the human equivalent of homing pigeons: they only have to walk from the villa to the local supermarket once, and they know exactly how to retrace their steps. But most of us need a bit of help with directions, especially in unfamiliar locations. This is where roaming data can be invaluable. Whether you’re in a rural destination or a vibrant city, use your data to check your route on your smartphone’s map. You’ll be striding around town like a local before you know it. (Speaking of maps, you can check whether your holiday destination is in our Europe
Zone using our interactive roaming charges map.)

Translate away

With the best will in the world, even when you take a phrase book and a vague memory of school languages with you, you may not be fluent in the language of your holiday nation. In the past, that usually involved a lot of arm flailing and – cringe – speaking English with an accent, ’Allo ’Allo-style. Now smartphones are like having a translator in your pocket – you can translate phrases you need, scan printed text and (depending on your device) even interpret speech in real time. Often those functions will require an internet connection, so trying to work out how to order a beer can quickly become expensive. Not with roaming data, though.

Share everything you want to

Is it even a holiday if it doesn’t appear on your socials while you’re away? The answer is “obviously yes”, but we know how important it is to #humblebrag about your #blessed life while you’re away. Hey, no judgment – you’ll catch us doing the same (give our sunset and perfectly positioned cocktail a “like”, yeah?). But without roaming data or bad or patchy hotel WiFi, you’re effectively paying for every post. Just remember: make sure you have a bit of data to spare in case of emergencies. We’ll send you a text when you’ve almost reached your Roaming Limit, and again when you’ve reached your Roaming Limit.

Find the best local spots

Pre-smartphones, summer holidays often included mishaps like visiting a famous attraction when it was randomly closed or stopping for pasta in what turned out to be a tourist trap. Equally, imagine getting home, only to be told the city’s best eatery was just around the corner from your hotel – and you missed it. So, dip into your roaming data to hit your maps and check out the reviews first. Top tip: focus on local reviewers rather than posts from your fellow holidaymakers, so you’ll know it’s a guaranteed authentic experience. Online searches for “what’s near me” can also unlock hidden gems just minutes away from you.

Minutes and texts when you want them

Making calls and sending texts is included in your EU Roaming Limit at no extra charge. You just have to be in our Europe Zone outside the UK and contacting another Europe Zone country (including the UK). Need to let your sister know you’ve made it to Prague in one piece? You can. Keen to order a taxi because it’s raining in Rome? Consider it, and you, covered. It’ll count towards your minutes just like it would at home, with no additional costs.

What you need to know

Want more information about O2 roaming allowances and roaming in Europe? If you haven’t already downloaded the My O2 app, you can use it to check how much of your monthly data you’ve used while you’re abroad. And if your allowance is less than 25GB and you need more data while you’re away, simply buy a one-off Bolt On through My O2. If you don’t get through all the data on your trip, you can still use it when you get back to the UK. Happy holidays!

Published: 06 June 2024

Terms and conditions: Your UK data allowance applies in our Europe Zone, subject to 25GB limit if your UK data allowance is over 25GB. Roaming is chargeable at £3.50 per GB afterwards. If you use all of your UK data allowance when roaming outside the UK, you need to purchase a data Bolt On.
Roaming terms and conditions.