
Ace your exams with your device

Exams coming up? Study from anywhere with your smartphone or tablet.

Study from your smart devices

Exams, assignments and more, it can be tough knowing where to start when it comes to your studies. Scroll down to find the tech you need to learn at home or on the go.

Use a tablet to study on the move

Forget about those endless revision sessions in the library. With a tablet, you can learn on the go. So you can stay productive on those boring bus journeys, or head to your favourite park or café for a change of scenery. Take a look to find something suitable for you.

Make a revision playlist

Can’t concentrate without music? You can find ready-made revision playlists, or just create your own to help keep you motivated. If you prefer studying away from your student halls, it’s a great time to treat yourself to some new headphones for when you’re out and about. But if you like a bit of background noise at home, go for a new speaker.

Record your study notes

If you find it easier to learn by listening, try revising through voice recordings. The idea is that you record your notes using the voice memo feature on your phone, then play back your recordings whenever you like. It’s a useful technique, because you can tailor your memos to what you need to learn. And you can listen to them pretty much anywhere and anytime, like when you’re on the bus or doing the washing up.

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